WCF For Starters
Here are few points about WCF
To create a wcf service
1) Create a Service Contract [ Implement ServiceContract from Service Model namespace]. Basicaly its creating an Interface through which tells what type of operations the web service can perform. Also add [OperationContract] attribute to all the interface methods.
2) If you have any specific data to be passed, create a Data contract by adding DataContract attribute.
3) Create your Service Implementation. Make sure you mention the service behaviour, whether it is a singleton/singlecall.
Thats it, we are ready with the service.
Now its now in creating your end-points. You can have the basic http binding, TCP binding, and named pipes(new in IIS-7)
A single WCF service can be exposed through different end points.
There is a built in WCF Client which finds the hosted services at different end points. The WCF Client by itself uses the IMetaDataExchange service.
Fix for a intermediate problem you face in Windows Vista with low priveleges :
When you change the default port from :8731 to any other port, you would get error like below :
HTTP could not register URL http://+:8000/. Your process does not have access rights to
this namespace (see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=70353 for details).
To get fix for that you have start cmd and run as administrator(Type cmd and press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER) to run Command prompt as administrator.
Use netsh http show urlacl to view list of ports that are usable by
Now to add your custom port, you have do like below :
netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8000/ user=MYMACHINE\UserName
This resolves the issue :-)
Next is creating your Test project for consuming your wcf service. In thenext post.
Any issues, pls feel free to give a call or drop an email :
Office : sriraghavan_venkataraman@ml.com
Personal : raghavan_17@yahoo.com
Phone : +91 9962456279
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